Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Workshops and Cookie Monsters

Last weekend i attended the second Northern Light Workshop with Jesper Ejsing and Eva Widermann as instructors. The focus was on character design, so I took the opportunity to polish my ideas of a cookie monster for a children's tale I'm working on together with Therese Järvheden.

at the Northern Light Workshop

Trying to get the pose right before I do a larger sketch...

at the Northern Light Workshop

After making a larger sketch of the pose I want, I refine the image on a new piece of paper and start coloring. This day I wanted to try painting directly on a toned piece of paper.

Cookie Monster
Watercolor and Acryla Gouache on toned paper
Digital finish

I learned a ton during the process of this image and I had a lot of fun making it. I will have more to show you from the children's tale as it progresses!

Pictures courtesy of Dave Brasgalla (Thanks Dave!) If you want to see more from the workshop I recommend checking out the photostream over at Flickr.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I am happy to announce that my webshop over at Etsy is now open!

I am starting up with a small stock of sketchbooks, but I will keep you updated whenever I put up something new. Next will be some prints from my project on Scandinavian Folklore. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Book Fair 2012

Yesterday evening I got home from the final day at the Book Fair in Gothenburg. Thank you all who came by and made this a memorable experience! Below you'll find some pictures from the fair:

A lot of people came by my stand for prints, originals and nice conversations...

The right wall of my stand...

Back wall...

Left Wall...

 In between visits I was busy doing sketches and drawings. Unfortunately I didn't get the time to take photographs of them all before they were gone, but below are a few I really enjoyed doing:

Again, thank you to all who came by, I really appreciated all the positive feedback I got from you.

My Webshop should be open soon, so keep an eye out for the announcement on my blog. There you will find prints, books and occasionally originals.